spec |
4404/5280 |
4404/5280 |
!opengl 1.0 |
316/346 |
316/346 |
gl-1.0-bitmap-heart-dance |
gl-1.0-blend-func |
gl-1.0-dlist-materials |
gl-1.0-dlist-shademodel |
gl-1.0-drawbuffer-modes |
gl-1.0-edgeflag |
gl-1.0-edgeflag-const |
gl-1.0-edgeflag-quads |
gl-1.0-logicop |
1/16 |
1/16 |
gl_and |
gl_and_inverted |
gl_and_reverse |
gl_clear |
gl_copy_inverted |
gl_equiv |
gl_invert |
gl_nand |
gl_noop |
gl_nor |
gl_or |
gl_or_inverted |
gl_or_reverse |
gl_set |
gl_xor |
gl-1.0-no-op-paths |
gl-1.0-ortho-pos |
gl-1.0-rastercolor |
gl-1.0-scissor-bitmap |
gl-1.0-spot-light |
gl-1.0-swapbuffers-behavior |
gl-1.0-user-clip-all-planes |
!opengl 1.1 |
164/377 |
164/377 |
clipflat |
copyteximage 1d |
copyteximage 2d |
depthstencil-default_fb-drawpixels-float-and-ushort |
depthstencil-default_fb-drawpixels-float-and-ushort samples=2 |
depthstencil-default_fb-drawpixels-float-and-ushort samples=4 |
draw-pixels |
drawpix-z |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 varray gl_line_loop |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 varray gl_polygon |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 varray gl_quad_strip |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 varray gl_quads |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 varray gl_triangle_fan |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 vbo gl_line_loop |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 vbo gl_polygon |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 vbo gl_quad_strip |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 vbo gl_quads |
gl-1.1-drawarrays-vertex-count 100000 vbo gl_triangle_fan |
gl-1.1-xor |
gl-1.1-xor-copypixels |
line-flat-clip-color |
linestipple |
1/6 |
1/6 |
factor 2x |
factor 3x |
line loop |
line strip |
restarting lines within a single begin-end block |
polygon-mode |
polygon-mode-offset |
0/24 |
0/24 |
config 0: expected white pixel on bottom edge |
config 0: expected white pixel on left edge |
config 0: expected white pixel on right edge |
config 0: expected white pixel on top edge |
config 1: expected blue pixel in center |
config 1: expected white pixel on right edge |
config 1: expected white pixel on top edge |
config 2: expected blue pixel in center |
config 2: expected white pixel on right edge |
config 2: expected white pixel on top edge |
config 3: expected white pixel on bottom edge |
config 3: expected white pixel on left edge |
config 3: expected white pixel on right edge |
config 3: expected white pixel on top edge |
config 4: expected white pixel on bottom edge |
config 4: expected white pixel on left edge |
config 4: expected white pixel on right edge |
config 4: expected white pixel on top edge |
config 5: expected blue pixel in center |
config 5: expected white pixel on right edge |
config 5: expected white pixel on top edge |
config 6: expected blue pixel in center |
config 6: expected white pixel on right edge |
config 6: expected white pixel on top edge |
read-front |
read-front clear-front-first |
read-front clear-front-first samples=2 |
read-front clear-front-first samples=4 |
read-front samples=2 |
read-front samples=4 |
teximage-scale-bias |
texsubimage |
texsubimage-unpack |
texwrap 1d bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgba8, border color only |
texwrap 1d proj bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgba8, projected, border color only |
texwrap 1d proj |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_rgba8, npot, projected |
gl_rgba8, projected |
gl_rgba8, swizzled, projected |
texwrap 1d |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_rgba8 |
gl_rgba8, npot |
gl_rgba8, swizzled |
texwrap 2d bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgba8, border color only |
texwrap 2d proj bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgba8, projected, border color only |
texwrap 2d proj |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_rgba8, npot, projected |
gl_rgba8, projected |
gl_rgba8, swizzled, projected |
texwrap 2d |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_rgba8 |
gl_rgba8, npot |
gl_rgba8, swizzled |
texwrap formats bordercolor-swizzled |
0/32 |
0/32 |
gl_alpha12, swizzled, border color only |
gl_alpha16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_alpha4, swizzled, border color only |
gl_alpha8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_intensity12, swizzled, border color only |
gl_intensity16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_intensity4, swizzled, border color only |
gl_intensity8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance12, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance12_alpha12, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance12_alpha4, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance16_alpha16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance4, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance4_alpha4, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance6_alpha2, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_luminance8_alpha8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_r3_g3_b2, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb10, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb10_a2, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb12, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb4, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb5, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb5_a1, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgb8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgba12, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgba16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgba2, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgba4, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rgba8, swizzled, border color only |
texwrap formats bordercolor |
0/32 |
0/32 |
gl_alpha12, border color only |
gl_alpha16, border color only |
gl_alpha4, border color only |
gl_alpha8, border color only |
gl_intensity12, border color only |
gl_intensity16, border color only |
gl_intensity4, border color only |
gl_intensity8, border color only |
gl_luminance12, border color only |
gl_luminance12_alpha12, border color only |
gl_luminance12_alpha4, border color only |
gl_luminance16, border color only |
gl_luminance16_alpha16, border color only |
gl_luminance4, border color only |
gl_luminance4_alpha4, border color only |
gl_luminance6_alpha2, border color only |
gl_luminance8, border color only |
gl_luminance8_alpha8, border color only |
gl_r3_g3_b2, border color only |
gl_rgb10, border color only |
gl_rgb10_a2, border color only |
gl_rgb12, border color only |
gl_rgb16, border color only |
gl_rgb4, border color only |
gl_rgb5, border color only |
gl_rgb5_a1, border color only |
gl_rgb8, border color only |
gl_rgba12, border color only |
gl_rgba16, border color only |
gl_rgba2, border color only |
gl_rgba4, border color only |
gl_rgba8, border color only |
texwrap formats |
24/96 |
24/96 |
gl_alpha12 |
gl_alpha12, npot |
gl_alpha12, swizzled |
gl_alpha16 |
gl_alpha16, npot |
gl_alpha16, swizzled |
gl_alpha4 |
gl_alpha4, npot |
gl_alpha4, swizzled |
gl_alpha8 |
gl_alpha8, npot |
gl_alpha8, swizzled |
gl_luminance12_alpha12 |
gl_luminance12_alpha12, npot |
gl_luminance12_alpha12, swizzled |
gl_luminance12_alpha4 |
gl_luminance12_alpha4, npot |
gl_luminance12_alpha4, swizzled |
gl_luminance16_alpha16 |
gl_luminance16_alpha16, npot |
gl_luminance16_alpha16, swizzled |
gl_luminance4_alpha4 |
gl_luminance4_alpha4, npot |
gl_luminance4_alpha4, swizzled |
gl_luminance6_alpha2 |
gl_luminance6_alpha2, npot |
gl_luminance6_alpha2, swizzled |
gl_luminance8_alpha8 |
gl_luminance8_alpha8, npot |
gl_luminance8_alpha8, swizzled |
gl_r3_g3_b2 |
gl_r3_g3_b2, npot |
gl_r3_g3_b2, swizzled |
gl_rgb10 |
gl_rgb10, npot |
gl_rgb10, swizzled |
gl_rgb10_a2 |
gl_rgb10_a2, npot |
gl_rgb10_a2, swizzled |
gl_rgb12 |
gl_rgb12, npot |
gl_rgb12, swizzled |
gl_rgb16 |
gl_rgb16, npot |
gl_rgb16, swizzled |
gl_rgb4 |
gl_rgb4, npot |
gl_rgb4, swizzled |
gl_rgb5 |
gl_rgb5, npot |
gl_rgb5, swizzled |
gl_rgb5_a1 |
gl_rgb5_a1, npot |
gl_rgb5_a1, swizzled |
gl_rgb8 |
gl_rgb8, npot |
gl_rgb8, swizzled |
gl_rgba12 |
gl_rgba12, npot |
gl_rgba12, swizzled |
gl_rgba16 |
gl_rgba16, npot |
gl_rgba16, swizzled |
gl_rgba2 |
gl_rgba2, npot |
gl_rgba2, swizzled |
gl_rgba4 |
gl_rgba4, npot |
gl_rgba4, swizzled |
gl_rgba8 |
gl_rgba8, npot |
gl_rgba8, swizzled |
user-clip |
!opengl 1.2 |
10/20 |
10/20 |
copyteximage 3d |
getteximage-targets 3d |
tex3d |
tex3d-maxsize |
teximage-errors |
texture-packed-formats |
texwrap 3d |
texwrap 3d bordercolor |
texwrap 3d proj |
texwrap 3d proj bordercolor |
!opengl 1.3 |
1/4 |
1/4 |
gl-1.3-texture-env |
tex-border-1 |
tex3d-depth1 |
!opengl 1.4 |
8/12 |
8/12 |
blendminmax |
copy-pixels |
gl-1.4-polygon-offset |
gl-1.4-tex1d-2dborder |
!opengl 1.5 |
9/10 |
9/10 |
depth-tex-compare |
!opengl 2.0 |
47/63 |
47/63 |
early-z |
gl-2.0-active-sampler-conflict |
gl-2.0-edgeflag |
gl-2.0-edgeflag-immediate |
occlusion-query-discard |
tex3d-npot |
vertex-program-two-side back front2 back2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side back front2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled back back2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled back front2 back2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled back front2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled back2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled back |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled front back back2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled front back2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
vertex-program-two-side enabled front front2 back2 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
vs and fs |
!opengl 2.1 |
7/10 |
7/10 |
pbo |
6/8 |
6/8 |
test_bitmap |
test_polygon_stip |
polygon-stipple-fs |
!opengl es 2.0 |
5/7 |
5/7 |
draw_buffers_gles2 |
glsl-fs-pointcoord |
arb_arrays_of_arrays |
0/1 |
0/1 |
execution |
0/1 |
0/1 |
glsl-arrays-copy-size-mismatch |
arb_color_buffer_float |
8/10 |
8/10 |
gl_rgba8-render |
gl_rgba8-render-sanity |
arb_depth_texture |
9/48 |
9/48 |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component16-blit |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component16-copypixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component16-drawpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component16-readpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component16-tex1d |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component24-blit |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component24-copypixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component24-drawpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component24-readpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component24-tex1d |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component32-blit |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component32-copypixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component32-drawpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component32-readpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth_component32-tex1d |
fbo-generatemipmap-formats |
0/8 |
0/8 |
gl_depth_component |
gl_depth_component npot |
gl_depth_component16 |
gl_depth_component16 npot |
gl_depth_component24 |
gl_depth_component24 npot |
gl_depth_component32 |
gl_depth_component32 npot |
texdepth |
texwrap formats bordercolor-swizzled |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_depth_component16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_depth_component24, swizzled, border color only |
gl_depth_component32, swizzled, border color only |
texwrap formats bordercolor |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_depth_component16, border color only |
gl_depth_component24, border color only |
gl_depth_component32, border color only |
texwrap formats |
0/9 |
0/9 |
gl_depth_component16 |
gl_depth_component16, npot |
gl_depth_component16, swizzled |
gl_depth_component24 |
gl_depth_component24, npot |
gl_depth_component24, swizzled |
gl_depth_component32 |
gl_depth_component32, npot |
gl_depth_component32, swizzled |
arb_es2_compatibility |
12/19 |
12/19 |
arb_es2_compatibility-drawbuffers |
fbo-blending-formats |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgb565 |
texwrap formats bordercolor-swizzled |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgb565, swizzled, border color only |
texwrap formats bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgb565, border color only |
texwrap formats |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_rgb565 |
gl_rgb565, npot |
gl_rgb565, swizzled |
arb_fragment_coord_conventions |
1/2 |
1/2 |
fp-arb-fragment-coord-conventions-integer |
arb_fragment_program |
24/30 |
24/30 |
fdo38145 |
fp-abs-01 |
fp-fragment-position |
fp-incomplete-tex |
fp-indirections2 |
sparse-samplers |
arb_fragment_program_shadow |
0/7 |
0/7 |
masked |
tex-shadow1d |
tex-shadow2d |
tex-shadow2drect |
txp-shadow1d |
txp-shadow2d |
txp-shadow2drect |
arb_framebuffer_srgb |
1/3 |
1/3 |
arb_framebuffer_srgb-srgb_conformance |
framebuffer-srgb |
arb_get_texture_sub_image |
2/3 |
2/3 |
arb_get_texture_sub_image-get |
arb_internalformat_query2 |
45/48 |
45/48 |
all internalformat_<x>_size pname checks |
all internalformat_<x>_type pname checks |
max dimensions related pname checks |
arb_occlusion_query2 |
1/2 |
1/2 |
render |
arb_occlusion_query |
3/7 |
3/7 |
occlusion_query |
occlusion_query_conform |
occlusion_query_meta_fragments |
occlusion_query_meta_save |
arb_pixel_buffer_object |
11/16 |
11/16 |
cubemap npot pbo |
cubemap pbo |
pbo-getteximage |
texsubimage pbo |
texsubimage-unpack pbo |
arb_point_sprite |
1/3 |
1/3 |
arb_point_sprite-checkerboard |
arb_point_sprite-mipmap |
arb_provoking_vertex |
0/2 |
0/2 |
arb-provoking-vertex-clipped-geometry-flatshading |
arb-provoking-vertex-render |
arb_robustness |
0/1 |
0/1 |
arb_robustness_client-mem-bounds |
arb_sampler_objects |
2/3 |
2/3 |
gl_ext_texture_srgb_decode |
arb_shader_texture_lod |
3/13 |
3/13 |
execution |
3/13 |
3/13 |
arb_shader_texture_lod-texgrad |
arb_shader_texture_lod-texgradcube |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-01 |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-02 |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-03 |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-04 |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-05 |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-07 |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-08 |
glsl-fs-shadow2dgradarb-cumulative |
arb_texture_compression |
19/44 |
19/44 |
fbo-generatemipmap-formats |
8/12 |
8/12 |
gl_compressed_alpha npot |
gl_compressed_intensity npot |
gl_compressed_luminance npot |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha npot |
texwrap formats bordercolor-swizzled |
0/6 |
0/6 |
gl_compressed_alpha, swizzled, border color only |
gl_compressed_intensity, swizzled, border color only |
gl_compressed_luminance, swizzled, border color only |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha, swizzled, border color only |
gl_compressed_rgb, swizzled, border color only |
gl_compressed_rgba, swizzled, border color only |
texwrap formats bordercolor |
0/6 |
0/6 |
gl_compressed_alpha, border color only |
gl_compressed_intensity, border color only |
gl_compressed_luminance, border color only |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha, border color only |
gl_compressed_rgb, border color only |
gl_compressed_rgba, border color only |
texwrap formats |
9/18 |
9/18 |
gl_compressed_alpha |
gl_compressed_alpha, npot |
gl_compressed_alpha, swizzled |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha, npot |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha, swizzled |
gl_compressed_rgba |
gl_compressed_rgba, npot |
gl_compressed_rgba, swizzled |
arb_texture_cube_map |
4/10 |
4/10 |
copyteximage cube |
copyteximage cube samples=2 |
copyteximage cube samples=4 |
cubemap |
cubemap npot |
cubemap-shader |
arb_texture_rectangle |
7/28 |
7/28 |
1-1-linear-texture |
copyteximage rect |
copyteximage rect samples=2 |
copyteximage rect samples=4 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect-01 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect-02 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect-03 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect-04 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect-05 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect-07 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drect-08 |
glsl-fs-shadow2drectproj |
texwrap rect bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgba8, border color only |
texwrap rect proj bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_rgba8, projected, border color only |
texwrap rect proj |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_rgba8, npot, projected |
gl_rgba8, projected |
gl_rgba8, swizzled, projected |
texwrap rect |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_rgba8 |
gl_rgba8, npot |
gl_rgba8, swizzled |
arb_texture_rg |
36/64 |
36/64 |
execution |
0/3 |
0/3 |
fs-shadow2d-red-01 |
fs-shadow2d-red-02 |
fs-shadow2d-red-03 |
fbo-blending-formats |
0/5 |
0/5 |
gl_r16 |
gl_r8 |
gl_rg |
gl_rg16 |
gl_rg8 |
texwrap formats bordercolor-swizzled |
0/4 |
0/4 |
gl_r16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_r8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rg16, swizzled, border color only |
gl_rg8, swizzled, border color only |
texwrap formats bordercolor |
0/4 |
0/4 |
gl_r16, border color only |
gl_r8, border color only |
gl_rg16, border color only |
gl_rg8, border color only |
texwrap formats |
0/12 |
0/12 |
gl_r16 |
gl_r16, npot |
gl_r16, swizzled |
gl_r8 |
gl_r8, npot |
gl_r8, swizzled |
gl_rg16 |
gl_rg16, npot |
gl_rg16, swizzled |
gl_rg8 |
gl_rg8, npot |
gl_rg8, swizzled |
arb_vertex_program |
63/79 |
63/79 |
arl |
big-param |
clip-plane-transformation arb |
instructions |
33/34 |
33/34 |
arl |
vp-address-01 |
vp-arl-constant-array |
vp-arl-constant-array-huge |
vp-arl-constant-array-huge-offset |
vp-arl-constant-array-huge-offset-neg |
vp-arl-constant-array-huge-relative-offset |
vp-arl-constant-array-huge-varying |
vp-arl-constant-array-varying |
vp-arl-env-array |
vp-arl-local-array |
vp-arl-neg-array |
vp-arl-neg-array-2 |
ati_fragment_shader |
57/60 |
57/60 |
ati_fragment_shader-render-default |
ati_fragment_shader-render-notexture |
ati_fragment_shader-render-sources |
egl 1.4 |
2/3 |
2/3 |
eglterminate then unbind context |
egl_ext_device_base |
0/3 |
0/3 |
conformance |
0/3 |
0/3 |
configless_tests |
pbuffer_tests |
surfaceless_tests |
egl_ext_device_query |
0/1 |
0/1 |
conformance |
egl_ext_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers |
0/1 |
0/1 |
conformance |
egl_khr_get_all_proc_addresses |
0/1 |
0/1 |
conformance |
egl_khr_gl_image |
0/2 |
0/2 |
egl_khr_gl_renderbuffer_image-clear-shared-image gl_depth_component24 |
egl_khr_gl_renderbuffer_image-clear-shared-image gl_rgba |
egl_khr_surfaceless_context |
0/1 |
0/1 |
viewport |
egl_mesa_query_driver |
0/1 |
0/1 |
conformance |
ext_direct_state_access |
95/100 |
95/100 |
indexed-state-queries 12 |
4/5 |
4/5 |
getintegerindexedvext |
multi-texture |
4/5 |
4/5 |
multiteximage3dext |
textures |
3/6 |
3/6 |
textureimage2dext |
textureimage3dext |
textureparameterfext |
ext_frag_depth |
0/1 |
0/1 |
fragdepth_gles2 |
ext_framebuffer_blit |
7/8 |
7/8 |
fbo-blit-check-limits |
ext_framebuffer_multisample |
5/8 |
5/8 |
dlist |
renderbuffer-samples |
samples |
ext_framebuffer_object |
228/281 |
228/281 |
ext_framebuffer_object-error-handling |
fbo-1d |
fbo-3d |
fbo-blending-format-quirks |
fbo-blending-formats |
10/18 |
10/18 |
3 |
gl_r3_g3_b2 |
gl_rgb |
gl_rgb10 |
gl_rgb12 |
gl_rgb16 |
gl_rgb5 |
gl_rgb8 |
fbo-cubemap |
fbo-generatemipmap-formats |
56/76 |
56/76 |
gl_alpha npot |
gl_alpha12 npot |
gl_alpha16 npot |
gl_alpha4 npot |
gl_alpha8 npot |
gl_intensity npot |
gl_intensity12 npot |
gl_intensity16 npot |
gl_intensity4 npot |
gl_intensity8 npot |
gl_luminance npot |
gl_luminance12 npot |
gl_luminance12_alpha12 npot |
gl_luminance16 npot |
gl_luminance16_alpha16 npot |
gl_luminance4 npot |
gl_luminance4_alpha4 npot |
gl_luminance8 npot |
gl_luminance8_alpha8 npot |
gl_luminance_alpha npot |
fbo-maxsize |
fbo-readpixels-depth-formats |
22/24 |
22/24 |
gl_depth_component/gl_float |
gl_depth_component/gl_unsigned_int |
fbo-scissor-bitmap |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index1-blit |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index1-copypixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index1-drawpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index1-readpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index16-blit |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index16-copypixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index16-drawpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index16-readpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index4-blit |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index4-copypixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index4-drawpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index4-readpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index8-blit |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index8-copypixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index8-drawpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_stencil_index8-readpixels |
ext_occlusion_query_boolean |
0/1 |
0/1 |
any-samples |
ext_packed_depth_stencil |
10/33 |
10/33 |
depth_stencil texture |
fbo-blit-d24s8 |
fbo-depth-gl_depth24_stencil8-blit |
fbo-depth-gl_depth24_stencil8-copypixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth24_stencil8-drawpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth24_stencil8-readpixels |
fbo-depth-gl_depth24_stencil8-tex1d |
fbo-depthstencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-blit |
fbo-depthstencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-copypixels |
fbo-depthstencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-drawpixels-24_8 |
fbo-depthstencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-drawpixels-float-and-ushort |
fbo-depthstencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-readpixels-24_8 |
fbo-depthstencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-readpixels-float-and-ushort |
fbo-stencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-blit |
fbo-stencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-copypixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-drawpixels |
fbo-stencil-gl_depth24_stencil8-readpixels |
readpixels-24_8 |
texwrap formats bordercolor-swizzled |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_depth24_stencil8, swizzled, border color only |
texwrap formats bordercolor |
0/1 |
0/1 |
gl_depth24_stencil8, border color only |
texwrap formats |
0/3 |
0/3 |
gl_depth24_stencil8 |
gl_depth24_stencil8, npot |
gl_depth24_stencil8, swizzled |
ext_provoking_vertex |
0/1 |
0/1 |
provoking-vertex |
ext_texture_format_bgra8888 |
0/1 |
0/1 |
api-errors |
ext_texture_lod_bias |
0/1 |
0/1 |
lodbias |
ext_texture_srgb |
22/43 |
22/43 |
tex-srgb |
texwrap formats bordercolor-swizzled |
0/4 |
0/4 |
gl_sluminance8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_sluminance8_alpha8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_srgb8, swizzled, border color only |
gl_srgb8_alpha8, swizzled, border color only |
texwrap formats bordercolor |
0/4 |
0/4 |
gl_sluminance8, border color only |
gl_sluminance8_alpha8, border color only |
gl_srgb8, border color only |
gl_srgb8_alpha8, border color only |
texwrap formats |
0/12 |
0/12 |
gl_sluminance8 |
gl_sluminance8, npot |
gl_sluminance8, swizzled |
gl_sluminance8_alpha8 |
gl_sluminance8_alpha8, npot |
gl_sluminance8_alpha8, swizzled |
gl_srgb8 |
gl_srgb8, npot |
gl_srgb8, swizzled |
gl_srgb8_alpha8 |
gl_srgb8_alpha8, npot |
gl_srgb8_alpha8, swizzled |
glsl-1.10 |
1839/2023 |
1839/2023 |
execution |
1772/1954 |
1772/1954 |
built-in-functions |
1040/1098 |
1040/1098 |
fs-atan-float-float |
fs-atan-vec2-vec2 |
fs-atan-vec3-vec3 |
fs-atan-vec4-vec4 |
fs-degrees-float |
fs-degrees-vec2 |
fs-degrees-vec3 |
fs-degrees-vec4 |
fs-dot-float-float |
fs-dot-vec4-vec4 |
fs-exp-float |
fs-exp-vec2 |
fs-exp-vec3 |
fs-exp-vec4 |
fs-fract-float |
fs-inversesqrt-float |
fs-length-vec4 |
fs-log-float |
fs-log2-float |
fs-mix-float-float-float |
fs-mod-float-float |
fs-op-assign-div-float-float |
fs-op-assign-div-int-int |
fs-op-assign-div-ivec2-ivec2 |
fs-op-assign-div-ivec3-ivec3 |
fs-op-assign-div-ivec4-int |
fs-op-assign-div-ivec4-ivec4 |
fs-op-assign-div-mat3-mat3 |
fs-op-assign-div-mat4-mat4 |
fs-op-assign-div-vec3-vec3 |
fs-op-assign-mult-float-float |
fs-op-div-float-float |
fs-op-div-float-mat2 |
fs-op-div-float-mat3 |
fs-op-div-float-mat4 |
fs-op-div-float-vec3 |
fs-op-div-int-int |
fs-op-div-int-ivec2 |
fs-op-div-int-ivec4 |
fs-op-div-ivec2-ivec2 |
fs-op-div-ivec3-ivec3 |
fs-op-div-ivec4-int |
fs-op-div-ivec4-ivec4 |
fs-op-div-mat3-mat3 |
fs-op-div-mat4-mat4 |
fs-op-div-vec3-vec3 |
fs-op-mult-float-float |
fs-pow-float-float |
fs-radians-float |
fs-sin-float |
fs-smoothstep-float-float-float |
fs-tan-float |
vs-op-assign-div-ivec2-ivec2 |
vs-op-assign-div-ivec3-ivec3 |
vs-op-assign-div-ivec4-ivec4 |
vs-op-div-ivec2-ivec2 |
vs-op-div-ivec3-ivec3 |
vs-op-div-ivec4-ivec4 |
clipping |
0/3 |
0/3 |
clip-plane-transformation clipvert_pos |
clip-plane-transformation fixed |
clip-plane-transformation pos_clipvert |
derivatives |
3/5 |
3/5 |
glsl-derivs-abs-sign |
glsl-derivs-swizzle |
fs-dfdx-accuracy |
fs-dfdy-accuracy |
glsl-1.10-fragdepth |
glsl-vs-large-uniform-array |
glsl-vs-uniform-array-4 |
interpolation |
8/30 |
8/30 |
interpolation-none-gl_backcolor-flat-fixed |
interpolation-none-gl_backcolor-flat-none |
interpolation-none-gl_backcolor-flat-vertex |
interpolation-none-gl_backcolor-smooth-fixed |
interpolation-none-gl_backcolor-smooth-none |
interpolation-none-gl_backcolor-smooth-vertex |
interpolation-none-gl_backsecondarycolor-flat-fixed |
interpolation-none-gl_backsecondarycolor-flat-none |
interpolation-none-gl_backsecondarycolor-flat-vertex |
interpolation-none-gl_backsecondarycolor-smooth-fixed |
interpolation-none-gl_backsecondarycolor-smooth-none |
interpolation-none-gl_backsecondarycolor-smooth-vertex |
interpolation-none-gl_frontcolor-flat-fixed |
interpolation-none-gl_frontcolor-flat-none |
interpolation-none-gl_frontcolor-flat-vertex |
interpolation-none-gl_frontcolor-smooth-vertex |
interpolation-none-gl_frontsecondarycolor-flat-fixed |
interpolation-none-gl_frontsecondarycolor-flat-none |
interpolation-none-gl_frontsecondarycolor-flat-vertex |
interpolation-none-gl_frontsecondarycolor-smooth-vertex |
interpolation-none-other-flat-vertex |
interpolation-none-other-smooth-vertex |
samplers |
31/54 |
31/54 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-01 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-02 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-03 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-04 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-05 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-07 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-08 |
glsl-fs-shadow1d-bias |
glsl-fs-shadow1dproj |
glsl-fs-shadow1dproj-bias |
glsl-fs-shadow2d |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-01 |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-02 |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-03 |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-04 |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-05 |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-07 |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-08 |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-bias |
glsl-fs-shadow2d-clamp-z |
glsl-fs-shadow2dproj |
glsl-fs-shadow2dproj-bias |
temp-array-indexing |
16/18 |
16/18 |
glsl-fs-giant-temp-array |
glsl-vs-giant-temp-array |
texture1d |
texture3d |
texture3d-computed-coord |
variable-indexing |
244/308 |
244/308 |
fs-temp-array-mat2-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-col-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-col-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-col-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-col-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-col-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-col-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-wr |
glsl-fs-discard-only |
linker |
38/39 |
38/39 |
glsl-link-varyings-3 |
glsl-1.20 |
1040/1127 |
1040/1127 |
execution |
1003/1090 |
1003/1090 |
array_bounds |
11/13 |
11/13 |
glsl-array-bounds-03 |
glsl-array-bounds-07 |
built-in-functions |
437/450 |
437/450 |
fs-op-assign-div-mat2x4-mat2x4 |
fs-op-assign-div-mat3x2-mat3x2 |
fs-op-assign-div-mat3x4-mat3x4 |
fs-op-assign-div-mat4x3-mat4x3 |
fs-op-div-float-mat2x4 |
fs-op-div-float-mat3x2 |
fs-op-div-float-mat3x4 |
fs-op-div-float-mat4x3 |
fs-op-div-mat2x4-mat2x4 |
fs-op-div-mat3x2-mat3x2 |
fs-op-div-mat3x4-mat3x4 |
fs-op-div-mat4x3-mat4x3 |
fs-op-mult-mat4x3-mat3x4 |
clipping |
1/8 |
1/8 |
fixed-clip-enables |
vs-clip-vertex-const-reject |
vs-clip-vertex-different-from-position |
vs-clip-vertex-enables |
vs-clip-vertex-equal-to-position |
vs-clip-vertex-homogeneity |
vs-clip-vertex-primitives |
fs-underflow-mul-compare-zero |
variable-indexing |
236/300 |
236/300 |
fs-temp-array-mat2-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-index-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat2-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-index-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat3-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-col-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-index-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-row-wr |
fs-temp-array-mat4-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-col-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat2-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-col-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat3-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-col-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-col-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-row-wr |
fs-temp-mat4-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-index-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat2-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-col-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-index-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-row-wr |
vs-varying-array-mat3-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-col-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat2-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-col-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat3-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-col-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-col-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-row-wr |
vs-varying-mat4-wr |
glsl-es-1.00 |
20/22 |
20/22 |
linker |
8/10 |
8/10 |
glsl-pcoord-invariant |
glsl-pcoord-invariant-pass |
intel_performance_query |
0/1 |
0/1 |
intel_performance_query-issue_2235 |
khr_texture_compression_astc |
9/13 |
9/13 |
basic-gl |
basic-gles |
miptree-gles srgb |
miptree-gles srgb-fp |
| |