Results for shaders@glsl-fs-raytrace-bug27060


Result: pass

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:01.634853
Probe color at (125,245)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.180392 0.270588 1.000000
Probe color at (130,245)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.184314 0.274510 1.000000
Probe color at (125,244)
  Expected: 0.203125 0.277344 0.996094
  Observed: 0.192157 0.270588 1.000000
Probe color at (127,244)
  Expected: 0.265625 0.339844 0.996094
  Observed: 0.247059 0.321569 1.000000
Probe color at (128,244)
  Expected: 0.265625 0.339844 0.996094
  Observed: 0.247059 0.321569 1.000000
Probe color at (130,244)
  Expected: 0.203125 0.277344 0.996094
  Observed: 0.192157 0.266667 1.000000
Probe color at (125,243)
  Expected: 0.484375 0.546875 0.996094
  Observed: 0.517647 0.584314 1.000000
Probe color at (126,243)
  Expected: 0.605469 0.671875 0.996094
  Observed: 0.670588 0.737255 1.000000
Probe color at (127,243)
  Expected: 0.679688 0.742188 0.996094
  Observed: 0.729412 0.796079 1.000000
Probe color at (128,243)
  Expected: 0.679688 0.742188 0.996094
  Observed: 0.733333 0.800000 1.000000
Probe color at (129,243)
  Expected: 0.605469 0.671875 0.996094
  Observed: 0.670588 0.737255 1.000000
Probe color at (130,243)
  Expected: 0.484375 0.546875 0.996094
  Observed: 0.517647 0.584314 1.000000
Probe color at (122,242)
  Expected: 0.273438 0.332031 0.996094
  Observed: 0.282353 0.345098 1.000000
Probe color at (123,242)
  Expected: 0.425781 0.488281 0.996094
  Observed: 0.466667 0.525490 1.000000
Probe color at (124,242)
  Expected: 0.617188 0.675781 0.996094
  Observed: 0.588235 0.650980 1.000000
Probe color at (126,242)
  Expected: 0.964844 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.992157 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (129,242)
  Expected: 0.964844 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.992157 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (131,242)
  Expected: 0.617188 0.675781 0.996094
  Observed: 0.592157 0.650980 1.000000
Probe color at (132,242)
  Expected: 0.425781 0.488281 0.996094
  Observed: 0.462745 0.525490 1.000000
Probe color at (133,242)
  Expected: 0.273438 0.332031 0.996094
  Observed: 0.286275 0.345098 1.000000
Probe color at (122,241)
  Expected: 0.371094 0.425781 0.996094
  Observed: 0.352941 0.407843 1.000000
Probe color at (124,241)
  Expected: 0.707031 0.757812 0.996094
  Observed: 0.729412 0.784314 1.000000
Probe color at (125,241)
  Expected: 0.863281 0.914062 0.996094
  Observed: 0.913726 0.964706 1.000000
Probe color at (130,241)
  Expected: 0.863281 0.914062 0.996094
  Observed: 0.917647 0.968628 1.000000
Probe color at (131,241)
  Expected: 0.707031 0.757812 0.996094
  Observed: 0.729412 0.780392 1.000000
Probe color at (133,241)
  Expected: 0.371094 0.425781 0.996094
  Observed: 0.349020 0.403922 1.000000
Probe color at (121,240)
  Expected: 0.257812 0.308594 0.843750
  Observed: 0.270588 0.317647 0.850980
Probe color at (122,240)
  Expected: 0.359375 0.406250 0.925781
  Observed: 0.376471 0.423529 0.941177
Probe color at (123,240)
  Expected: 0.464844 0.511719 0.996094
  Observed: 0.439216 0.486275 1.000000
Probe color at (124,240)
  Expected: 0.570312 0.613281 0.996094
  Observed: 0.552941 0.596078 1.000000
Probe color at (125,240)
  Expected: 0.656250 0.703125 0.996094
  Observed: 0.666667 0.709804 1.000000
Probe color at (126,240)
  Expected: 0.718750 0.765625 0.996094
  Observed: 0.749020 0.792157 1.000000
Probe color at (127,240)
  Expected: 0.753906 0.796875 0.996094
  Observed: 0.764706 0.811765 1.000000
Probe color at (128,240)
  Expected: 0.753906 0.796875 0.996094
  Observed: 0.764706 0.807843 1.000000
Probe color at (129,240)
  Expected: 0.718750 0.765625 0.996094
  Observed: 0.749020 0.796079 1.000000
Probe color at (131,240)
  Expected: 0.570312 0.613281 0.996094
  Observed: 0.552941 0.600000 1.000000
Probe color at (132,240)
  Expected: 0.464844 0.511719 0.996094
  Observed: 0.439216 0.486275 1.000000
Probe color at (133,240)
  Expected: 0.359375 0.406250 0.925781
  Observed: 0.376471 0.423529 0.941177
Probe color at (125,239)
  Expected: 0.394531 0.433594 0.863281
  Observed: 0.384314 0.423529 0.850980
Probe color at (126,239)
  Expected: 0.417969 0.457031 0.882812
  Observed: 0.431373 0.470588 0.894118
Probe color at (128,239)
  Expected: 0.433594 0.468750 0.894531
  Observed: 0.439216 0.478431 0.905882
Probe color at (129,239)
  Expected: 0.417969 0.457031 0.882812
  Observed: 0.427451 0.466667 0.894118
Probe color at (130,239)
  Expected: 0.394531 0.433594 0.863281
  Observed: 0.384314 0.423529 0.850980
Probe color at (139,239)
  Expected: 0.117188 0.171875 0.804688
  Observed: 0.109804 0.168627 0.792157
Probe color at (116,238)
  Expected: 0.093750 0.144531 0.664062
  Observed: 0.098039 0.145098 0.674510
Probe color at (125,238)
  Expected: 0.203125 0.234375 0.601562
  Observed: 0.207843 0.243137 0.611765
Probe color at (126,238)
  Expected: 0.210938 0.242188 0.605469
  Observed: 0.200000 0.235294 0.600000
Probe color at (130,238)
  Expected: 0.203125 0.234375 0.601562
  Observed: 0.207843 0.239216 0.611765
Probe color at (139,238)
  Expected: 0.093750 0.144531 0.664062
  Observed: 0.098039 0.145098 0.674510
Probe color at (127,237)
  Expected: 0.101562 0.132812 0.433594
  Observed: 0.098039 0.125490 0.423529
Probe color at (120,234)
  Expected: 0.031250 0.046875 0.218750
  Observed: 0.031373 0.050980 0.231373
Probe color at (133,234)
  Expected: 0.027344 0.042969 0.195312
  Observed: 0.031373 0.047059 0.207843
Probe color at (135,234)
  Expected: 0.031250 0.046875 0.218750
  Observed: 0.035294 0.050980 0.231373
Probe color at (115,232)
  Expected: 0.027344 0.039062 0.183594
  Observed: 0.031373 0.043137 0.196078
Probe color at (131,213)
  Expected: 0.011719 0.011719 0.000000
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (122,206)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (133,206)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (23,179)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.188235 1.000000 0.376471
Probe color at (1,178)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (35,169)
  Expected: 0.273438 0.996094 0.449219
  Observed: 0.262745 1.000000 0.439216
Probe color at (30,168)
  Expected: 0.367188 0.996094 0.535156
  Observed: 0.356863 1.000000 0.525490
Probe color at (39,168)
  Expected: 0.281250 0.996094 0.457031
  Observed: 0.294118 1.000000 0.470588
Probe color at (21,167)
  Expected: 0.281250 0.996094 0.433594
  Observed: 0.270588 1.000000 0.427451
Probe color at (28,167)
  Expected: 0.429688 0.996094 0.589844
  Observed: 0.415686 1.000000 0.580392
Probe color at (29,167)
  Expected: 0.445312 0.996094 0.609375
  Observed: 0.462745 1.000000 0.627451
Probe color at (32,167)
  Expected: 0.472656 0.996094 0.636719
  Observed: 0.490196 1.000000 0.654902
Probe color at (34,167)
  Expected: 0.464844 0.996094 0.628906
  Observed: 0.450980 1.000000 0.615686
Probe color at (35,167)
  Expected: 0.453125 0.996094 0.621094
  Observed: 0.474510 1.000000 0.639216
Probe color at (36,167)
  Expected: 0.437500 0.996094 0.605469
  Observed: 0.458824 1.000000 0.627451
Probe color at (39,167)
  Expected: 0.363281 0.996094 0.535156
  Observed: 0.376471 1.000000 0.549020
Probe color at (42,167)
  Expected: 0.285156 0.996094 0.457031
  Observed: 0.274510 1.000000 0.450980
Probe color at (43,167)
  Expected: 0.261719 0.996094 0.433594
  Observed: 0.250980 1.000000 0.427451
Probe color at (20,166)
  Expected: 0.285156 0.996094 0.437500
  Observed: 0.301961 1.000000 0.450980
Probe color at (21,166)
  Expected: 0.312500 0.996094 0.460938
  Observed: 0.329412 1.000000 0.478431
Probe color at (24,166)
  Expected: 0.394531 0.996094 0.550781
  Observed: 0.384314 1.000000 0.537255
Probe color at (25,166)
  Expected: 0.425781 0.996094 0.582031
  Observed: 0.439216 1.000000 0.596078
Probe color at (27,166)
  Expected: 0.488281 0.996094 0.644531
  Observed: 0.466667 1.000000 0.623529
Probe color at (30,166)
  Expected: 0.558594 0.996094 0.718750
  Observed: 0.572549 1.000000 0.733333
Probe color at (31,166)
  Expected: 0.574219 0.996094 0.734375
  Observed: 0.588235 1.000000 0.752941
Probe color at (32,166)
  Expected: 0.585938 0.996094 0.746094
  Observed: 0.596078 1.000000 0.756863
Probe color at (33,166)
  Expected: 0.589844 0.996094 0.750000
  Observed: 0.603922 1.000000 0.764706
Probe color at (34,166)
  Expected: 0.585938 0.996094 0.750000
  Observed: 0.572549 1.000000 0.737255
Probe color at (35,166)
  Expected: 0.578125 0.996094 0.742188
  Observed: 0.560784 1.000000 0.725490
Probe color at (38,166)
  Expected: 0.507812 0.996094 0.675781
  Observed: 0.517647 1.000000 0.686275
Probe color at (42,166)
  Expected: 0.363281 0.996094 0.535156
  Observed: 0.352941 1.000000 0.525490
Probe color at (43,166)
  Expected: 0.328125 0.996094 0.500000
  Observed: 0.345098 1.000000 0.517647
Probe color at (44,166)
  Expected: 0.292969 0.996094 0.468750
  Observed: 0.309804 1.000000 0.482353
Probe color at (18,165)
  Expected: 0.257812 0.996094 0.402344
  Observed: 0.266667 1.000000 0.415686
Probe color at (22,165)
  Expected: 0.371094 0.996094 0.519531
  Observed: 0.380392 1.000000 0.533333
Probe color at (24,165)
  Expected: 0.445312 0.996094 0.593750
  Observed: 0.458824 1.000000 0.607843
Probe color at (26,165)
  Expected: 0.519531 0.996094 0.671875
  Observed: 0.537255 1.000000 0.690196
Probe color at (27,165)
  Expected: 0.558594 0.996094 0.710938
  Observed: 0.568627 1.000000 0.721569
Probe color at (31,165)
  Expected: 0.683594 0.996094 0.839844
  Observed: 0.721569 1.000000 0.878431
Probe color at (34,165)
  Expected: 0.718750 0.996094 0.878906
  Observed: 0.698039 1.000000 0.858824
Probe color at (35,165)
  Expected: 0.710938 0.996094 0.871094
  Observed: 0.698039 1.000000 0.858824
Probe color at (37,165)
  Expected: 0.675781 0.996094 0.835938
  Observed: 0.682353 1.000000 0.847059
Probe color at (38,165)
  Expected: 0.644531 0.996094 0.808594
  Observed: 0.662745 1.000000 0.823529
Probe color at (40,165)
  Expected: 0.562500 0.996094 0.730469
  Observed: 0.615686 1.000000 0.784314
Probe color at (42,165)
  Expected: 0.468750 0.996094 0.636719
  Observed: 0.454902 1.000000 0.623529
Probe color at (21,164)
  Expected: 0.359375 0.996094 0.507812
  Observed: 0.349020 1.000000 0.494118
Probe color at (22,164)
  Expected: 0.398438 0.996094 0.542969
  Observed: 0.419608 1.000000 0.564706
Probe color at (23,164)
  Expected: 0.437500 0.996094 0.585938
  Observed: 0.423529 1.000000 0.568627
Probe color at (25,164)
  Expected: 0.527344 0.996094 0.675781
  Observed: 0.533333 1.000000 0.686275
Probe color at (27,164)
  Expected: 0.621094 0.996094 0.769531
  Observed: 0.607843 1.000000 0.760784
Probe color at (28,164)
  Expected: 0.664062 0.996094 0.816406
  Observed: 0.694118 1.000000 0.847059
Probe color at (29,164)
  Expected: 0.710938 0.996094 0.863281
  Observed: 0.737255 1.000000 0.890196
Probe color at (30,164)
  Expected: 0.750000 0.996094 0.902344
  Observed: 0.729412 1.000000 0.886275
Probe color at (32,164)
  Expected: 0.812500 0.996094 0.964844
  Observed: 0.788235 1.000000 0.941177
Probe color at (33,164)
  Expected: 0.832031 0.996094 0.988281
  Observed: 0.823529 1.000000 0.976471
Probe color at (34,164)
  Expected: 0.843750 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.780392 1.000000 0.937255
Probe color at (36,164)
  Expected: 0.835938 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.854902 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (37,164)
  Expected: 0.816406 0.996094 0.976562
  Observed: 0.784314 1.000000 0.945098
Probe color at (38,164)
  Expected: 0.785156 0.996094 0.945312
  Observed: 0.803922 1.000000 0.964706
Probe color at (39,164)
  Expected: 0.750000 0.996094 0.910156
  Observed: 0.776471 1.000000 0.937255
Probe color at (40,164)
  Expected: 0.703125 0.996094 0.863281
  Observed: 0.725490 1.000000 0.890196
Probe color at (41,164)
  Expected: 0.648438 0.996094 0.812500
  Observed: 0.686275 1.000000 0.847059
Probe color at (43,164)
  Expected: 0.531250 0.996094 0.699219
  Observed: 0.549020 1.000000 0.713726
Probe color at (44,164)
  Expected: 0.472656 0.996094 0.640625
  Observed: 0.498039 1.000000 0.666667
Probe color at (45,164)
  Expected: 0.417969 0.996094 0.585938
  Observed: 0.400000 1.000000 0.568627
Probe color at (15,163)
  Expected: 0.207031 0.960938 0.347656
  Observed: 0.200000 0.956863 0.337255
Probe color at (22,163)
  Expected: 0.414062 0.996094 0.558594
  Observed: 0.423529 1.000000 0.568627
Probe color at (25,163)
  Expected: 0.558594 0.996094 0.703125
  Observed: 0.521569 1.000000 0.666667
Probe color at (26,163)
  Expected: 0.613281 0.996094 0.757812
  Observed: 0.619608 1.000000 0.768628
Probe color at (27,163)
  Expected: 0.664062 0.996094 0.812500
  Observed: 0.674510 1.000000 0.823529
Probe color at (28,163)
  Expected: 0.718750 0.996094 0.867188
  Observed: 0.686275 1.000000 0.835294
Probe color at (29,163)
  Expected: 0.769531 0.996094 0.917969
  Observed: 0.796079 1.000000 0.945098
Probe color at (31,163)
  Expected: 0.863281 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.850980 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (32,163)
  Expected: 0.898438 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.956863 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (33,163)
  Expected: 0.929688 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.956863 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (34,163)
  Expected: 0.949219 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.933333 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (35,163)
  Expected: 0.960938 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.984314 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (37,163)
  Expected: 0.945312 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.964706 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (40,163)
  Expected: 0.835938 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.890196 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (42,163)
  Expected: 0.718750 0.996094 0.882812
  Observed: 0.749020 1.000000 0.909804
Probe color at (43,163)
  Expected: 0.652344 0.996094 0.816406
  Observed: 0.701961 1.000000 0.862745
Probe color at (45,163)
  Expected: 0.519531 0.996094 0.679688
  Observed: 0.545098 1.000000 0.705882
Probe color at (46,163)
  Expected: 0.453125 0.996094 0.617188
  Observed: 0.470588 1.000000 0.635294
Probe color at (47,163)
  Expected: 0.394531 0.996094 0.558594
  Observed: 0.380392 1.000000 0.545098
Probe color at (20,162)
  Expected: 0.339844 0.996094 0.480469
  Observed: 0.329412 1.000000 0.466667
Probe color at (23,162)
  Expected: 0.468750 0.996094 0.609375
  Observed: 0.454902 1.000000 0.596078
Probe color at (25,162)
  Expected: 0.574219 0.996094 0.714844
  Observed: 0.537255 1.000000 0.678431
Probe color at (27,162)
  Expected: 0.687500 0.996094 0.832031
  Observed: 0.654902 1.000000 0.800000
Probe color at (28,162)
  Expected: 0.746094 0.996094 0.894531
  Observed: 0.709804 1.000000 0.854902
Probe color at (30,162)
  Expected: 0.863281 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.811765 1.000000 0.956863
Probe color at (31,162)
  Expected: 0.914062 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.929412 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (32,162)
  Expected: 0.957031 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.976471 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (37,162)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.984314 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (40,162)
  Expected: 0.957031 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.945098 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (42,162)
  Expected: 0.839844 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.886275 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (43,162)
  Expected: 0.769531 0.996094 0.929688
  Observed: 0.780392 1.000000 0.941177
Probe color at (45,162)
  Expected: 0.621094 0.996094 0.781250
  Observed: 0.643137 1.000000 0.800000
Probe color at (46,162)
  Expected: 0.546875 0.996094 0.707031
  Observed: 0.533333 1.000000 0.698039
Probe color at (49,162)
  Expected: 0.351562 0.996094 0.515625
  Observed: 0.341176 1.000000 0.505882
Probe color at (20,161)
  Expected: 0.335938 0.996094 0.468750
  Observed: 0.313726 1.000000 0.450980
Probe color at (26,161)
  Expected: 0.628906 0.996094 0.769531
  Observed: 0.596078 1.000000 0.737255
Probe color at (29,161)
  Expected: 0.816406 0.996094 0.957031
  Observed: 0.803922 1.000000 0.949020
Probe color at (31,161)
  Expected: 0.933594 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.952941 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (32,161)
  Expected: 0.984375 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (41,161)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.968628 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (42,161)
  Expected: 0.937500 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.921569 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (44,161)
  Expected: 0.792969 0.996094 0.949219
  Observed: 0.764706 1.000000 0.921569
Probe color at (45,161)
  Expected: 0.714844 0.996094 0.871094
  Observed: 0.741176 1.000000 0.898039
Probe color at (47,161)
  Expected: 0.554688 0.996094 0.714844
  Observed: 0.572549 1.000000 0.729412
Probe color at (48,161)
  Expected: 0.480469 0.996094 0.640625
  Observed: 0.509804 1.000000 0.670588
Probe color at (21,160)
  Expected: 0.359375 0.996094 0.492188
  Observed: 0.372549 1.000000 0.505882
Probe color at (22,160)
  Expected: 0.402344 0.996094 0.535156
  Observed: 0.392157 1.000000 0.525490
Probe color at (23,160)
  Expected: 0.445312 0.996094 0.582031
  Observed: 0.435294 1.000000 0.572549
Probe color at (24,160)
  Expected: 0.496094 0.996094 0.632812
  Observed: 0.537255 1.000000 0.670588
Probe color at (25,160)
  Expected: 0.550781 0.996094 0.687500
  Observed: 0.560784 1.000000 0.698039
Probe color at (26,160)
  Expected: 0.609375 0.996094 0.746094
  Observed: 0.654902 1.000000 0.792157
Probe color at (28,160)
  Expected: 0.734375 0.996094 0.871094
  Observed: 0.760784 1.000000 0.901961
Probe color at (29,160)
  Expected: 0.796875 0.996094 0.937500
  Observed: 0.858824 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (32,160)
  Expected: 0.976562 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (43,160)
  Expected: 0.937500 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.956863 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (44,160)
  Expected: 0.867188 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.839216 1.000000 0.988235
Probe color at (45,160)
  Expected: 0.789062 0.996094 0.941406
  Observed: 0.823529 1.000000 0.976471
Probe color at (48,160)
  Expected: 0.546875 0.996094 0.703125
  Observed: 0.537255 1.000000 0.690196
Probe color at (189,160)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.400000
Probe color at (23,159)
  Expected: 0.421875 0.996094 0.550781
  Observed: 0.403922 1.000000 0.533333
Probe color at (25,159)
  Expected: 0.519531 0.996094 0.652344
  Observed: 0.533333 1.000000 0.666667
Probe color at (27,159)
  Expected: 0.632812 0.996094 0.769531
  Observed: 0.623529 1.000000 0.756863
Probe color at (31,159)
  Expected: 0.878906 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.843137 1.000000 0.984314
Probe color at (33,159)
  Expected: 0.988281 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.960784 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (34,159)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.956863 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (43,159)
  Expected: 0.972656 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.925490 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (47,159)
  Expected: 0.675781 0.996094 0.828125
  Observed: 0.705882 1.000000 0.854902
Probe color at (49,159)
  Expected: 0.519531 0.996094 0.671875
  Observed: 0.498039 1.000000 0.650980
Probe color at (51,159)
  Expected: 0.382812 0.996094 0.539062
  Observed: 0.368627 1.000000 0.521569
Probe color at (52,159)
  Expected: 0.328125 0.996094 0.480469
  Observed: 0.317647 1.000000 0.474510
Probe color at (17,158)
  Expected: 0.207031 0.890625 0.332031
  Observed: 0.215686 0.901961 0.341176
Probe color at (20,158)
  Expected: 0.281250 0.976562 0.406250
  Observed: 0.270588 0.968628 0.400000
Probe color at (23,158)
  Expected: 0.386719 0.996094 0.515625
  Observed: 0.364706 1.000000 0.494118
Probe color at (24,158)
  Expected: 0.429688 0.996094 0.558594
  Observed: 0.419608 1.000000 0.552941
Probe color at (25,158)
  Expected: 0.476562 0.996094 0.609375
  Observed: 0.494118 1.000000 0.627451
Probe color at (27,158)
  Expected: 0.582031 0.996094 0.714844
  Observed: 0.596078 1.000000 0.729412
Probe color at (28,158)
  Expected: 0.640625 0.996094 0.773438
  Observed: 0.619608 1.000000 0.752941
Probe color at (29,158)
  Expected: 0.695312 0.996094 0.832031
  Observed: 0.658824 1.000000 0.796079
Probe color at (30,158)
  Expected: 0.757812 0.996094 0.890625
  Observed: 0.768628 1.000000 0.901961
Probe color at (31,158)
  Expected: 0.816406 0.996094 0.949219
  Observed: 0.803922 1.000000 0.941177
Probe color at (32,158)
  Expected: 0.871094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.898039 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (33,158)
  Expected: 0.925781 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.941177 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (42,158)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.984314 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (43,158)
  Expected: 0.968750 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (44,158)
  Expected: 0.914062 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.968628 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (47,158)
  Expected: 0.703125 0.996094 0.851562
  Observed: 0.729412 1.000000 0.878431
Probe color at (50,158)
  Expected: 0.480469 0.996094 0.628906
  Observed: 0.454902 1.000000 0.607843
Probe color at (22,157)
  Expected: 0.312500 0.996094 0.437500
  Observed: 0.325490 1.000000 0.450980
Probe color at (25,157)
  Expected: 0.429688 0.996094 0.554688
  Observed: 0.419608 1.000000 0.549020
Probe color at (30,157)
  Expected: 0.679688 0.996094 0.812500
  Observed: 0.694118 1.000000 0.823529
Probe color at (31,157)
  Expected: 0.734375 0.996094 0.867188
  Observed: 0.760784 1.000000 0.894118
Probe color at (32,157)
  Expected: 0.789062 0.996094 0.921875
  Observed: 0.819608 1.000000 0.952941
Probe color at (33,157)
  Expected: 0.839844 0.996094 0.972656
  Observed: 0.862745 1.000000 0.996078
Probe color at (34,157)
  Expected: 0.886719 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.866667 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (35,157)
  Expected: 0.925781 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.905882 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (37,157)
  Expected: 0.988281 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (41,157)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.949020 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (42,157)
  Expected: 0.968750 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.909804 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (43,157)
  Expected: 0.933594 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.882353 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (45,157)
  Expected: 0.832031 0.996094 0.972656
  Observed: 0.772549 1.000000 0.917647
Probe color at (49,157)
  Expected: 0.562500 0.996094 0.707031
  Observed: 0.576471 1.000000 0.721569
Probe color at (17,156)
  Expected: 0.179688 0.828125 0.296875
  Observed: 0.184314 0.839216 0.301961
Probe color at (19,156)
  Expected: 0.210938 0.871094 0.332031
  Observed: 0.219608 0.882353 0.337255
Probe color at (26,156)
  Expected: 0.417969 0.996094 0.542969
  Observed: 0.400000 1.000000 0.525490
Probe color at (28,156)
  Expected: 0.503906 0.996094 0.628906
  Observed: 0.525490 1.000000 0.654902
Probe color at (32,156)
  Expected: 0.695312 0.996094 0.824219
  Observed: 0.666667 1.000000 0.796079
Probe color at (33,156)
  Expected: 0.742188 0.996094 0.871094
  Observed: 0.705882 1.000000 0.835294
Probe color at (37,156)
  Expected: 0.886719 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.925490 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (38,156)
  Expected: 0.906250 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.925490 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (40,156)
  Expected: 0.921875 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.866667 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (41,156)
  Expected: 0.914062 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.870588 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (42,156)
  Expected: 0.894531 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 0.905882 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (44,156)
  Expected: 0.832031 0.996094 0.968750
  Observed: 0.819608 1.000000 0.956863
Probe color at (47,156)
  Expected: 0.675781 0.996094 0.816406
  Observed: 0.686275 1.000000 0.827451
Probe color at (48,156)
  Expected: 0.613281 0.996094 0.757812
  Observed: 0.600000 1.000000 0.745098
Probe color at (54,156)
  Expected: 0.156250 0.882812 0.386719
  Observed: 0.282353 1.000000 0.427451
Probe color at (55,156)
  Expected: 0.246094 0.996094 0.390625
  Observed: 0.109804 0.843137 0.258824
Probe color at (20,155)
  Expected: 0.207031 0.855469 0.324219
  Observed: 0.219608 0.870588 0.337255
Probe color at (23,155)
  Expected: 0.269531 0.933594 0.390625
  Observed: 0.258824 0.921569 0.380392
Probe color at (26,155)
  Expected: 0.359375 0.996094 0.484375
  Observed: 0.372549 1.000000 0.494118
Probe color at (27,155)
  Expected: 0.394531 0.996094 0.519531
  Observed: 0.380392 1.000000 0.505882
Probe color at (28,155)
  Expected: 0.433594 0.996094 0.558594
  Observed: 0.447059 1.000000 0.572549
Probe color at (31,155)
  Expected: 0.558594 0.996094 0.683594
  Observed: 0.541176 1.000000 0.670588
Probe color at (32,155)
  Expected: 0.597656 0.996094 0.726562
  Observed: 0.584314 1.000000 0.713726
Probe color at (34,155)
  Expected: 0.679688 0.996094 0.808594
  Observed: 0.694118 1.000000 0.819608
Probe color at (35,155)
  Expected: 0.714844 0.996094 0.843750
  Observed: 0.690196 1.000000 0.819608
Probe color at (38,155)
  Expected: 0.792969 0.996094 0.925781
  Observed: 0.760784 1.000000 0.890196
Probe color at (40,155)
  Expected: 0.812500 0.996094 0.945312
  Observed: 0.823529 1.000000 0.956863
Probe color at (42,155)
  Expected: 0.800781 0.996094 0.933594
  Observed: 0.807843 1.000000 0.945098
Probe color at (44,155)
  Expected: 0.753906 0.996094 0.890625
  Observed: 0.768628 1.000000 0.905882
Probe color at (46,155)
  Expected: 0.675781 0.996094 0.812500
  Observed: 0.658824 1.000000 0.796079
Probe color at (47,155)
  Expected: 0.628906 0.996094 0.765625
  Observed: 0.576471 1.000000 0.717647
Probe color at (48,155)
  Expected: 0.578125 0.996094 0.714844
  Observed: 0.560784 1.000000 0.698039
Probe color at (50,155)
  Expected: 0.472656 0.996094 0.609375
  Observed: 0.478431 1.000000 0.619608
Probe color at (52,155)
  Expected: 0.371094 0.996094 0.511719
  Observed: 0.396078 1.000000 0.537255
Probe color at (53,155)
  Expected: 0.500000 0.996094 0.636719
  Observed: 0.392157 1.000000 0.513726
Probe color at (28,154)
  Expected: 0.367188 0.996094 0.488281
  Observed: 0.380392 1.000000 0.501961
Probe color at (31,154)
  Expected: 0.468750 0.996094 0.593750
  Observed: 0.482353 1.000000 0.603922
Probe color at (32,154)
  Expected: 0.507812 0.996094 0.628906
  Observed: 0.533333 1.000000 0.654902
Probe color at (33,154)
  Expected: 0.539062 0.996094 0.664062
  Observed: 0.552941 1.000000 0.678431
Probe color at (38,154)
  Expected: 0.679688 0.996094 0.808594
  Observed: 0.647059 1.000000 0.776471
Probe color at (39,154)
  Expected: 0.695312 0.996094 0.824219
  Observed: 0.733333 1.000000 0.862745
Probe color at (40,154)
  Expected: 0.703125 0.996094 0.832031
  Observed: 0.682353 1.000000 0.815686
Probe color at (42,154)
  Expected: 0.699219 0.996094 0.828125
  Observed: 0.686275 1.000000 0.815686
Probe color at (45,154)
  Expected: 0.640625 0.996094 0.773438
  Observed: 0.654902 1.000000 0.788235
Probe color at (46,154)
  Expected: 0.605469 0.996094 0.738281
  Observed: 0.584314 1.000000 0.717647
Probe color at (47,154)
  Expected: 0.570312 0.996094 0.703125
  Observed: 0.596078 1.000000 0.729412
Probe color at (48,154)
  Expected: 0.527344 0.996094 0.664062
  Observed: 0.517647 1.000000 0.650980
Probe color at (49,154)
  Expected: 0.484375 0.996094 0.621094
  Observed: 0.494118 1.000000 0.631373
Probe color at (53,154)
  Expected: 0.253906 0.941406 0.320312
  Observed: 0.262745 0.952941 0.329412
Probe color at (190,154)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.558594
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.568627
Probe color at (191,154)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.562500
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.545098
Probe color at (218,154)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.749020 0.807843 0.247059
Probe color at (26,153)
  Expected: 0.261719 0.902344 0.378906
  Observed: 0.250980 0.894118 0.364706
Probe color at (28,153)
  Expected: 0.308594 0.960938 0.429688
  Observed: 0.301961 0.952941 0.419608
Probe color at (36,153)
  Expected: 0.527344 0.996094 0.652344
  Observed: 0.541176 1.000000 0.666667
Probe color at (38,153)
  Expected: 0.570312 0.996094 0.695312
  Observed: 0.592157 1.000000 0.717647
Probe color at (39,153)
  Expected: 0.582031 0.996094 0.707031
  Observed: 0.596078 1.000000 0.721569
Probe color at (44,153)
  Expected: 0.574219 0.996094 0.703125
  Observed: 0.556863 1.000000 0.686275
Probe color at (45,153)
  Expected: 0.554688 0.996094 0.683594
  Observed: 0.541176 1.000000 0.670588
Probe color at (46,153)
  Expected: 0.531250 0.996094 0.660156
  Observed: 0.517647 1.000000 0.650980
Probe color at (49,153)
  Expected: 0.433594 0.996094 0.566406
  Observed: 0.454902 1.000000 0.588235
Probe color at (51,153)
  Expected: 0.363281 0.996094 0.496094
  Observed: 0.352941 1.000000 0.486275
Probe color at (53,153)
  Expected: 0.218750 0.894531 0.308594
  Observed: 0.247059 0.921569 0.392157
Probe color at (185,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.531250
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.545098
Probe color at (186,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.585938
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.568627
Probe color at (187,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.640625
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.654902
Probe color at (188,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.683594
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.717647
Probe color at (190,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.734375
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.690196
Probe color at (191,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.734375
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.756863
Probe color at (192,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.718750
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.698039
Probe color at (194,153)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.644531
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.666667
Probe color at (38,152)
  Expected: 0.468750 0.996094 0.589844
  Observed: 0.454902 1.000000 0.576471
Probe color at (39,152)
  Expected: 0.480469 0.996094 0.601562
  Observed: 0.494118 1.000000 0.615686
Probe color at (43,152)
  Expected: 0.492188 0.996094 0.617188
  Observed: 0.513726 1.000000 0.639216
Probe color at (44,152)
  Expected: 0.480469 0.996094 0.609375
  Observed: 0.458824 1.000000 0.584314
Probe color at (47,152)
  Expected: 0.429688 0.996094 0.558594
  Observed: 0.443137 1.000000 0.568627
Probe color at (48,152)
  Expected: 0.406250 0.996094 0.535156
  Observed: 0.431373 1.000000 0.556863
Probe color at (53,152)
  Expected: 0.269531 0.988281 0.398438
  Observed: 0.278431 1.000000 0.407843
Probe color at (54,152)
  Expected: 0.109375 0.769531 0.003906
  Observed: 0.113725 0.772549 0.019608
Probe color at (183,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.527344
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.513726
Probe color at (184,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.601562
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.619608
Probe color at (185,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.683594
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.666667
Probe color at (186,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.761719
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.780392
Probe color at (187,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.835938
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.854902
Probe color at (188,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.890625
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.839216
Probe color at (189,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.925781
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.945098
Probe color at (190,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.941406
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.909804
Probe color at (191,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.929688
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.964706
Probe color at (192,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.898438
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.878431
Probe color at (193,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.847656
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.890196
Probe color at (195,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.714844
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.733333
Probe color at (196,152)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.640625
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.662745
Probe color at (203,152)
  Expected: 0.910156 0.984375 0.324219
  Observed: 0.921569 0.992157 0.329412
Probe color at (28,151)
  Expected: 0.218750 0.835938 0.328125
  Observed: 0.207843 0.827451 0.321569
Probe color at (34,151)
  Expected: 0.320312 0.957031 0.437500
  Observed: 0.325490 0.968628 0.443137
Probe color at (37,151)
  Expected: 0.367188 0.996094 0.484375
  Observed: 0.352941 1.000000 0.470588
Probe color at (41,151)
  Expected: 0.402344 0.996094 0.523438
  Observed: 0.388235 1.000000 0.509804
Probe color at (44,151)
  Expected: 0.398438 0.996094 0.523438
  Observed: 0.411765 1.000000 0.533333
Probe color at (52,151)
  Expected: 0.261719 0.960938 0.390625
  Observed: 0.274510 0.976471 0.403922
Probe color at (182,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.554688
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.541176
Probe color at (184,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.750000
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.811765
Probe color at (185,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.851562
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.874510
Probe color at (186,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.949219
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.996078
Probe color at (193,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.980469
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.992157
Probe color at (194,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.894531
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.968628
Probe color at (196,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.714844
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.764706
Probe color at (197,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.628906
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.603922
Probe color at (198,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.550781
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.560784
Probe color at (200,151)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.429688
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.419608
Probe color at (38,150)
  Expected: 0.308594 0.945312 0.421875
  Observed: 0.298039 0.937255 0.411765
Probe color at (40,150)
  Expected: 0.324219 0.964844 0.441406
  Observed: 0.313726 0.956863 0.431373
Probe color at (41,150)
  Expected: 0.328125 0.972656 0.445312
  Observed: 0.333333 0.984314 0.450980
Probe color at (42,150)
  Expected: 0.332031 0.980469 0.449219
  Observed: 0.321569 0.972549 0.439216
Probe color at (181,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.550781
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.576471
Probe color at (182,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.652344
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.666667
Probe color at (183,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.761719
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.745098
Probe color at (185,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.972549
Probe color at (194,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.953125
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.901961
Probe color at (195,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.851562
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.839216
Probe color at (196,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.750000
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.764706
Probe color at (197,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.656250
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.698039
Probe color at (198,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.570312
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.556863
Probe color at (199,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.496094
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.517647
Probe color at (200,150)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.437500
  Observed: 0.988235 1.000000 0.423529
Probe color at (223,150)
  Expected: 0.574219 0.621094 0.191406
  Observed: 0.580392 0.631373 0.196078
Probe color at (44,149)
  Expected: 0.265625 0.906250 0.382812
  Observed: 0.278431 0.917647 0.396078
Probe color at (47,149)
  Expected: 0.253906 0.902344 0.371094
  Observed: 0.262745 0.913726 0.380392
Probe color at (182,149)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.722656
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.749020
Probe color at (184,149)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.964844
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.984314
Probe color at (194,149)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.945312
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.972549
Probe color at (195,149)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.843750
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.819608
Probe color at (201,149)
  Expected: 0.921875 0.988281 0.378906
  Observed: 0.909804 0.976471 0.368627
Probe color at (43,148)
  Expected: 0.218750 0.835938 0.332031
  Observed: 0.227451 0.847059 0.341176
Probe color at (179,148)
  Expected: 0.914062 0.914062 0.000000
  Observed: 0.929412 0.929412 0.000000
Probe color at (180,148)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.000000
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.011765
Probe color at (181,148)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.878906
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.823529
Probe color at (182,148)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.753906
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.784314
Probe color at (183,148)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.867188
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.909804
Probe color at (184,148)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.976562
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (193,148)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.976562
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.988235
Probe color at (195,148)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.785156
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.811765
Probe color at (200,148)
  Expected: 0.929688 0.996094 0.406250
  Observed: 0.941177 1.000000 0.411765
Probe color at (180,147)
  Expected: 0.980469 0.980469 0.175781
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.239216
Probe color at (185,147)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.980392
Probe color at (193,147)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.859375
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.898039
Probe color at (194,147)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.773438
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.784314
Probe color at (195,147)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.691406
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.717647
Probe color at (78,146)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.098039 0.643137 0.196078
Probe color at (179,146)
  Expected: 0.871094 0.871094 0.085938
  Observed: 0.882353 0.882353 0.098039
Probe color at (183,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.750000
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.796079
Probe color at (184,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.816406
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.862745
Probe color at (185,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.875000
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.862745
Probe color at (186,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.914062
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.941177
Probe color at (187,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.937500
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Probe color at (188,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.941406
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.913726
Probe color at (190,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.890625
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.878431
Probe color at (191,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.839844
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.886275
Probe color at (193,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.718750
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.752941
Probe color at (194,146)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.652344
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.662745
Probe color at (179,145)
  Expected: 0.953125 0.996094 0.421875
  Observed: 0.945098 1.000000 0.411765
Probe color at (180,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.472656
  Observed: 0.984314 1.000000 0.450980
Probe color at (181,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.527344
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.545098
Probe color at (183,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.640625
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.654902
Probe color at (185,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.726562
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.764706
Probe color at (186,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.750000
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.807843
Probe color at (187,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.761719
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.745098
Probe color at (189,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.742188
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.756863
Probe color at (191,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.675781
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.701961
Probe color at (192,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.628906
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.654902
Probe color at (193,145)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.582031
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.564706
Probe color at (195,145)
  Expected: 0.968750 0.996094 0.480469
  Observed: 0.980392 1.000000 0.490196
Probe color at (178,144)
  Expected: 0.859375 0.921875 0.343750
  Observed: 0.847059 0.913726 0.333333
Probe color at (179,144)
  Expected: 0.890625 0.953125 0.375000
  Observed: 0.898039 0.964706 0.384314
Probe color at (180,144)
  Expected: 0.925781 0.988281 0.414062
  Observed: 0.941177 1.000000 0.427451
Probe color at (181,144)
  Expected: 0.960938 0.996094 0.453125
  Observed: 0.952941 1.000000 0.439216
Probe color at (184,144)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.558594
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.541176
Probe color at (186,144)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.597656
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.607843
Probe color at (187,144)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.601562
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.580392
Probe color at (191,144)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.996094 0.531250
  Observed: 1.000000 1.000000 0.549020
Probe color at (193,144)
  Expected: 0.937500 0.996094 0.460938
  Observed: 0.952941 1.000000 0.474510
Probe color at (194,144)
  Expected: 0.898438 0.957031 0.425781
  Observed: 0.917647 0.976471 0.443137
Probe color at (195,144)
  Expected: 0.859375 0.917969 0.390625
  Observed: 0.850980 0.909804 0.380392
Probe color at (198,144)
  Expected: 0.765625 0.820312 0.304688
  Observed: 0.772549 0.831373 0.313726
Probe color at (228,144)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.352941 0.380392 0.117647
Probe color at (183,143)
  Expected: 0.910156 0.972656 0.429688
  Observed: 0.929412 0.988235 0.443137
Probe color at (184,143)
  Expected: 0.929688 0.988281 0.445312
  Observed: 0.941177 1.000000 0.454902
Probe color at (186,143)
  Expected: 0.941406 0.996094 0.464844
  Observed: 0.960784 1.000000 0.482353
Probe color at (187,143)
  Expected: 0.941406 0.996094 0.468750
  Observed: 0.929412 0.988235 0.454902
Probe color at (192,143)
  Expected: 0.851562 0.906250 0.390625
  Observed: 0.858824 0.917647 0.400000
Probe color at (184,142)
  Expected: 0.820312 0.875000 0.355469
  Observed: 0.831373 0.886275 0.364706
Probe color at (187,142)
  Expected: 0.820312 0.875000 0.367188
  Observed: 0.835294 0.890196 0.376471
Probe color at (189,142)
  Expected: 0.800781 0.855469 0.351562
  Observed: 0.815686 0.874510 0.364706
Probe color at (126,141)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.335938 0.421875
  Observed: 1.000000 0.325490 0.415686
Probe color at (127,141)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.355469 0.445312
  Observed: 1.000000 0.345098 0.435294
Probe color at (128,141)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.355469 0.445312
  Observed: 1.000000 0.345098 0.435294
Probe color at (129,141)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.335938 0.421875
  Observed: 1.000000 0.321569 0.411765
Probe color at (127,140)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.410156 0.000000
  Observed: 1.000000 0.439216 0.000000
Probe color at (128,140)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.410156 0.000000
  Observed: 1.000000 0.439216 0.000000
Probe color at (131,140)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.367188 0.449219
  Observed: 1.000000 0.376471 0.462745
Probe color at (123,139)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.371094 0.449219
  Observed: 1.000000 0.388235 0.466667
Probe color at (125,139)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.734375 0.812500
  Observed: 1.000000 0.749020 0.827451
Probe color at (126,139)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.937500 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 0.850980 0.929412
Probe color at (129,139)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.937500 0.996094
  Observed: 1.000000 0.847059 0.925490
Probe color at (130,139)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.734375 0.812500
  Observed: 1.000000 0.749020 0.827451
Probe color at (132,139)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.371094 0.449219
  Observed: 1.000000 0.388235 0.466667
Probe color at (123,138)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.425781 0.500000
  Observed: 1.000000 0.415686 0.490196
Probe color at (125,138)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.847656 0.921875
  Observed: 1.000000 0.827451 0.898039
Probe color at (130,138)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.847656 0.921875
  Observed: 1.000000 0.823529 0.898039
Probe color at (132,138)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.425781 0.500000
  Observed: 1.000000 0.415686 0.486275
Probe color at (122,137)
  Expected: 0.898438 0.289062 0.355469
  Observed: 0.909804 0.298039 0.364706
Probe color at (123,137)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.390625 0.460938
  Observed: 0.992157 0.380392 0.447059
Probe color at (124,137)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.542969 0.609375
  Observed: 1.000000 0.513726 0.580392
Probe color at (125,137)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.714844 0.785156
  Observed: 1.000000 0.662745 0.729412
Probe color at (129,137)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.875000 0.941406
  Observed: 1.000000 0.862745 0.933333
Probe color at (130,137)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.714844 0.785156
  Observed: 1.000000 0.662745 0.733333
Probe color at (131,137)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.542969 0.609375
  Observed: 1.000000 0.509804 0.580392
Probe color at (132,137)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.390625 0.460938
  Observed: 0.992157 0.380392 0.447059
Probe color at (122,136)
  Expected: 0.804688 0.242188 0.304688
  Observed: 0.796079 0.231373 0.294118
Probe color at (124,136)
  Expected: 0.953125 0.386719 0.449219
  Observed: 0.941177 0.372549 0.435294
Probe color at (125,136)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.480469 0.542969
  Observed: 1.000000 0.458824 0.521569
Probe color at (127,136)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.613281 0.675781
  Observed: 1.000000 0.631373 0.694118
Probe color at (128,136)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.613281 0.675781
  Observed: 1.000000 0.627451 0.694118
Probe color at (130,136)
  Expected: 0.996094 0.480469 0.542969
  Observed: 1.000000 0.458824 0.521569
Probe color at (131,136)
  Expected: 0.953125 0.386719 0.449219
  Observed: 0.941177 0.372549 0.435294
Probe color at (125,135)
  Expected: 0.816406 0.292969 0.351562
  Observed: 0.831373 0.305882 0.364706
Probe color at (126,135)
  Expected: 0.847656 0.324219 0.382812
  Observed: 0.870588 0.345098 0.403922
Probe color at (127,135)
  Expected: 0.867188 0.343750 0.402344
  Observed: 0.890196 0.364706 0.423529
Probe color at (128,135)
  Expected: 0.867188 0.343750 0.402344
  Observed: 0.894118 0.368627 0.427451
Probe color at (129,135)
  Expected: 0.847656 0.324219 0.382812
  Observed: 0.870588 0.345098 0.403922
Probe color at (130,135)
  Expected: 0.816406 0.292969 0.351562
  Observed: 0.831373 0.305882 0.364706
Probe color at (232,135)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.039216 0.039216 0.000000
Probe color at (64,134)
  Expected: 0.074219 0.472656 0.144531
  Observed: 0.341176 0.705882 0.000000
Probe color at (127,134)
  Expected: 0.683594 0.207031 0.261719
  Observed: 0.694118 0.215686 0.270588
Probe color at (128,134)
  Expected: 0.683594 0.207031 0.261719
  Observed: 0.694118 0.215686 0.266667
Probe color at (62,132)
  Expected: 0.449219 0.777344 0.199219
  Observed: 0.454902 0.788235 0.203922
Probe color at (63,132)
  Expected: 0.546875 0.878906 0.308594
  Observed: 0.529412 0.858824 0.290196
Probe color at (66,132)
  Expected: 0.523438 0.621094 0.292969
  Observed: 0.549020 0.647059 0.317647
Probe color at (116,132)
  Expected: 0.695312 0.562500 0.328125
  Observed: 0.717647 0.584314 0.345098
Probe color at (139,132)
  Expected: 0.953125 0.585938 0.355469
  Observed: 0.964706 0.596078 0.364706
Probe color at (169,132)
  Expected: 0.656250 0.417969 0.085938
  Observed: 0.647059 0.407843 0.074510
Probe color at (170,132)
  Expected: 0.433594 0.660156 0.101562
  Observed: 0.627451 0.333333 0.000000
Probe color at (172,132)
  Expected: 0.457031 0.718750 0.121094
  Observed: 0.439216 0.705882 0.101961
Probe color at (63,131)
  Expected: 0.312500 0.625000 0.125000
  Observed: 0.294118 0.607843 0.105882
Probe color at (172,131)
  Expected: 0.394531 0.597656 0.085938
  Observed: 0.403922 0.607843 0.094118
Probe color at (233,128)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (233,127)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (170,123)
  Expected: 0.089844 0.058594 0.000000
  Observed: 0.035294 0.090196 0.000000
Probe color at (64,121)
  Expected: 0.027344 0.175781 0.054688
  Observed: 0.000000 0.015686 0.000000
Probe color at (232,120)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (228,111)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (78,109)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (218,101)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (189,95)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (1,77)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Probe color at (23,76)
  Expected: 0.199219 0.296875 0.398438
  Observed: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/home/andreas/nfs/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="gbm"
/home/andreas/nfs/piglit/bin/glsl-fs-raytrace-bug27060 -auto -fbo


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