Results for spec@arb_texture_rectangle@1-1-linear-texture


Result: fail

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Detail Value
Returncode 1
Time 0:00:00.317436

Error pixel at ( 1,  0): got (115,  82, 254, 255), expected (115,  81, 255, 255)
Error pixel at ( 4,  0): got (242, 250, 226, 255), expected (242, 251, 227, 255)
Error pixel at ( 5,  0): got ( 72, 125, 195, 255), expected ( 70, 124, 194, 255)
Error pixel at ( 6,  0): got ( 84, 247,  28, 255), expected ( 84, 248,  27, 255)
Error pixel at (10,  0): got (200, 153, 102, 255), expected (201, 154, 102, 255)
Error pixel at (11,  0): got ( 50,  13, 184, 255), expected ( 50,  13, 183, 255)
Error pixel at (13,  0): got ( 90,  38,  94, 255), expected ( 90,  37,  93, 255)
Error pixel at (15,  0): got (232,  94, 212, 255), expected (233,  94, 212, 255)
Error pixel at (18,  0): got ( 85,  18,  15, 255), expected ( 84,  17,  14, 255)
Error pixel at (20,  0): got ( 34,  61, 220, 255), expected ( 33,  61, 220, 255)
Got 22707 error pixels(25600 total), just first 10 pixels shown
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/home/andreas/nfs/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="gbm"
/home/andreas/nfs/piglit/bin/1-1-linear-texture -auto -fbo


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